Real matches

beyond first impressions

The light-hearted and seemingly whimsical demeanour we've displayed thus far is a deliberate choice, aimed at highlighting a fundamental truth: The persona you project online, no matter how quirky or unconventional, does not hinder your chances of finding a genuine match on Vlncy.

Move from picking up
vibes to really vibing

“Got a good feeling about this” guides a lot of us in the dating game. Going by your gut, hoping for the best, looking for signs all’s good… Vlncy figured it’s time to make dating way more certain.

Leaps of faith won't get you a medal in relationship Olympics

Trusting someone's legit shouldn't be a luxury when dating. That's why Vlncy is all about keeping it real. By verifying every match's deets, that they're actually single and here for something deeper.

Temperament matching. Studies on the dynamics of compatibility and attraction. Knowing what helps couples stay together. All that insight right there, telling you why that match is a great idea💡.

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